One Dollar - Per Member – Per Week
Central Illinois District video
Our English District 1-1-1 serves as a model for other districts for mission funding. LCMS Central Illinois District has produced a frequently asked questions video about “A Dollar for Missions” featuring Rev. Dr. Ken Schurb, Stewardship Executive for the LCMS Central Illinois District, which is worth watching.
Follow 1-1-1 in Servant to Servant
Ministries receiving 1-1-1 support
2024-2025 Recipients
2023-2024 Recipients
- Eastern Washington University - LCMS-U chapter
- Nuer (South Sudanese) Language Fellowship at St. Mark, Mississauga, ON
2022-2023 Recipients
2021-2022 Recipients
- Blessed Sacrament, Hayden, ID
- St. John's, Clarksburg, WV
2020-21 - Campus Ministries
- All Saints, Slippery Rock, PA
- First Trinity, Pittsburgh, PA
- Martin Luther Chapel, East Lansing, MI
- Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries, Philadelphia, PA
- University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
2019-20 Recipients
2018-19 Recipients
- Fall 2020 Update
- Rev. Justin Laughridge's May, 2020 1-1-1 Message
What is 1-1-1?
The English District launched a new model for funding missions, June 15, 2018, to which every congregation is invited to participate. It is completely voluntary, but we believe that as God's people see and hear what is being accomplished, specifically and directly in support and development of new missions and enhancing existing missions, more and more of us will want to be involved.
It's simple. Very simple. It is NOT burdensome, nor sacrificial. It involves every baptized member of the Body of Jesus in your congregation, from the newest baby baptized to the oldest member. It demonstrates the power of the beautiful body of Christ working together, prompted by faith. It shows how much can be accomplished by many, giving little.
Here's the plan: $1/per baptized member/per week. Simple, right? Self-explanatory almost. Not burdensome, nor sacrificial. All can participate.
We are happy to share that there are currently 65 congregations and 6 individuals participating in 1-1-1. To all involved, thank you.
This is the power of many giving little as we are moved by God's spirit.
Missions is what the Church is called to do, by Jesus.
There is power and strength in many giving a little!
Young and old are making a difference.
Won’t you join us?