Welcome to the Lifeline webpage! Lifeline is the English District’s outreach that promotes the dignity and sanctity of life from fertilization to forever. We facilitate a culture of life in our English District congregations by linking church workers and congregation members to the life-affirming resources of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, Lutherans for Life, other national organizations, and sister congregations. If your congregation has a sanctity of life webpage, we would love to share the link. Please email the link to Dr. Roni Grad at roni.grad@gmail.com. Similarly, if you have an interest in, and passion for, the proclamation of the sanctity of life, we would love to have you join our Lifeline team! Please email Dr. Grad for more detail. This webpage is, and will always be, a work in progress. Please check back often for new material and updates.
Please consider sharing the following with your congregations:
Abortion Pill Reversal
Women who have taken the first dose of the abortion pill (Mifeprex [USA]/Mifegymiso [Canada]/Mifepristone/RU 486) and are regretting having done so, may be able to get help to save their babies. Time is of the essence though. In the USA, call 1-877-558-0333, or log on to Abortion Pill Reversal - U.S. In Canada, call 1-888-612-3960, or log on to Abortion Pill Reversal - Canada.
For those who have lost children through abortion or have been a part of an abortion decision and are experiencing the pain of guilt, regret, and grief, there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Similarly, for those who have lost loved ones through assisted suicide. Word of Hope, an outreach of Lutherans for Life, is a unique 24/7/365 national hotline devoted to intervening on behalf of these and other life issues and imparting the value of all human life as divinely created and redeemed by Jesus Christ. Many of the hotline callers are either unchurched or have fallen away from church, are broken and ready to receive God’s gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Those who phone or email the hotline receive Christ-centered, confidential spiritual care, so that they may find healing, reconciliation with God, and the hope of His promises through His gift of faith. When necessary, referrals are made to local resources for emergent intervention. The counselors at Word of Hope are trained deaconesses, and all of the care is done in strict confidence. Furthermore, this resource is intended to supplement, not replace, local pastoral care. In both the USA and Canada, call 1-888-21STORY (1-888-217-8679), log on to https://www.word-of-hope.org, or email info@word-of-hope.org.
Anyone in crisis should call the following:
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255), in Spanish 1-888-628-9454. Those deaf of hard of hearing may contact by TTY dialing 711, then 1-800-273-8255. Alternatively, one may contact online at Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Beginning July 16, 2022, callers nationwide will be able to access the hotline by dialing 988.
- U.S. Veterans may call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1; or text 838255.
- In Canada, call the Canada Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-833-456-4566 (available 24/7/365), or text 45645 (4 PM-midnight ET). For local crisis services, log on to Crisis Services Canada and select your province.