1. Encourage school children singing in church services.
2. Plan Preschool Sundays.
3. Celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week.
4. School Board working together with the council and other church boards to intentionally connect with families.
6. Maintain a Pastoral & Church Staff greeting/presence at school drop off and pick-up times.
7. Plan Intergenerational Field Trips.
8. Partner Reading Buddies – older students or volunteers from the congregation with younger students
9. Display school artwork throughout hallways and bulletin boards of the congregation.
10. Share Ministry Moments/ Did You Know stories in bulletins, newsletters, e-blasts, and social media.
11. Add additional learning and enrichment opportunities to the regular preschool classes such as art, mom and me, large motor skills, lunch bunch, extended day, etc.
12. Encourage early childhood staff to help with and be involved with VBS.
13. Host annual community events for families – invite families who have ‘graduated.’
14. Initiate a Little Lambs Program in which congregational members “adopt” a preschool child by praying weekly and giving notes of encouragements throughout the year.
15. Host a school-sponsored Advent and/or Lent dinner.
16. Establish an occasional school-sponsored coffee hour between services during the school year.
17. Establish a Parent’s Night Out or Saturday AM out.
18. Host a movie night.
19. Add a two's program and two's class.
20. Develop Summer Camps – thematic based: STEM, water, cooking, drama, etc.